Alert me please! Stay on top of the latest company filings.
"With corporate financial year ends and tax filing dates falling the way they do, the last few months of the year tend to experience a dramatic rise in filings of annual returns and company accounts.
In addition to these, we also see the filing of thousands of other new and significant official company documents on a daily basis (almost 100k have been uploaded so far this month).
In fact over the past few weeks, there's a good chance many companies important to your business have filed their latest accounts. Companies like your customers, suppliers or even competitors. With such a volume of information available at an already busy time, it's easy to miss an important update.
It's an on-going challenge. Our range of monitoring solutions tackles this issue head-on, by providing you with intuitive, and automated, alerts when companies important to your business change - for better or for worse!
Either way you'll be one of the first to know and be more informed, to adjust credit limits where necessary, make new contacts or put a 'hold' on an important client delivery where insolvency procedures look like they may commence.
Here's just a few ways that our company, risk and insolvency monitoring solutions help our clients every day...
Being More Industry Aware:
Knowing the focus and financial success of competitors and other players in the industry.
Expanding Sales Relationships:
Leveraging on a change in Directors in a client company to not only make contact with a new appointee but continue to nurture the relationship of the past director with their new role.
Minimising Credit Risk:
Responding faster to adverse credit and risk movements from a change in rating to the potential appointment of a liquidator.
And Lots More:
From general company and client monitoring to watching for confirmation of the latest AR has been filed for due diligence and corporate governance.
CRIF Vision-net monitoring solutions can be integrated into your systems delivering the data straight to the heart of your organisation where and when you need it most, or through our online service.
Like many, if your business is currently transforming to intuitively know more about the companies it's dealing with, at the minimum cost, give us a call today and we'll be happy to chat through our solutions with you.
Here are just a few examples of the fields we currently monitor for clients...
Company & Director Monitoring:
If an Irish or UK company you have an interest in changes Status, Director, Address or files new documents (latest accounts etc) - you'll be first to know.
Insolvency Monitoring:
This details key Company Insolvency notices daily. With it you'll know about Court Petitions, Meetings of Creditors, Liquidator & Receiver appointments etc.
Judgment Monitoring:
Monitors Companies that have been taken to Court for not repaying debts to let you know if they incur any further Judgments.
Risk/Credit Score Monitoring:
Our Credit Reports are some of the most authoritative ones available anywhere. If the credit score of a company changes we'll let you know - straightaway!
Annual Return Monitoring:
Receive confirmation of the latest AR has been filed for due diligence and corporate governance.
...and many more. Simply ask us for more details on Tel: 01 903 2660.
Insolvency Notices
The number of companies that have collapsed this year. This figure is up 1% compared to last year
Click here to view the list
Our Credit Reports are predicting over 80% of insolvencies at up to 6 months in advance.
- 18 Companies
E8 (Notice Of Appointment Of Receiver)
- 8 Companies
- 0 Company
Meetings of Creditors
16th of November, 2018
15th of November, 2018
14th of November, 2018
13th of November, 2018
12th of November, 2018
Read MoreClosures
The number of companies that have closed this week.
New Startups
New Companies
- 372 Companies
New Businesses
- 270 Businesses
Important Changes
Changed Status
- 897 Companies
- 3 Companies
Strike off & Struck off Companies
Strike Off
- 278 Companies
Struck Off
- 182 Companies